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Finance & Local Government Transparency

Diss Town Council is committed to ensuring that public money is spent efficiently to provide an effective service to our residents. 

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities issued the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 (the code) which came into effect on 1st April 2015.  The code was issued through powers under Section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 and replaces any previous codes issued in relation to local authorities in England under those powers.

The code aims to increase transparency through the publication of open and reusable data enabling taxpayers to see how local authorities are using public money.

The Code does not replace, or supersede, the existing framework for access to public sector information provided by the Freedom of Information Act 2020.

Annual Budget

There is an annual budget set aside for the Mayor of Diss to draw upon expenses incurred whilst attending civic functions during their term of office. This budget is included in the budget documents available below.

Precept Form

As well as commercial income, Diss Town Council is funded through the precept, which is collected as part of the residents' council tax. 

Procurement over £5,000

In accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code, please find details of all contracts awarded by Diss Town Council greater than £5000.


Please find details below for our Accounts:
Please note: Payment lists before March 2020 are not in an accessible format. Contact us for earlier payment lists.


  Expenditure over £500

Annual Governance Documents
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, councils are required to have an annual and mid-year internal audit. The internal auditor is appointed by the Council and evaluates and reviews the Council's risk management, controls and governance. A copy of the internal governance documents can be found below. 

Publication Scheme
Most information is available free of charge and can be viewed on our website. Please view our Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, which details what we are required to publicise and how you can access this information. 

Summary of Assets by location
In order to ensure transparency, items over £500 are included on the Council's asset register whether they have been gifted, purchased or otherwise acquired by the Town Council. 

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