Diss Carnival Parade & Fun Day
Diss Carnival is a sub-committee of the Town Council and is organised each year by a team of dedicated volunteers including representatives from the Town Council. ​
The wait is over... the theme for Diss Carnival 2025 has landed! We are SO excited for this one: Around Our World!​
Want to join the fun on Sunday 8th June? Apply Now!
Application deadline for stallholders is Friday 7th March 2025.
Application Form for Stallholders and Procession Entrants​
Window Dressing Competition Entry Form
If you’re interested in getting involved to help organise this event, please get in touch via emailing carnival@diss.gov.uk or phoning 01379 643848.
Visit our Diss Carnival Facebook Page
Agendas 2024-25
Agendas 2023-24
For agendas and minutes prior to the above listed or if you require an accessible format please contact us.